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Responses: 3
SSgt Richard Kensinger
For the sake of this country, I hope they do. I believe that only those of us who were enlisted, swear an oath to obey our C-in-C. We can disobey orders when we believe them to be illegal and/or immoral.From what I can tell, the Joint Chiefs indeed passively counter him to protect our military. daily, this C-in-C places our armed forces at risk by repeatedly rejecting and defying our intelligence and via POTUS's repeated promotion of Russia' agenda!
SSgt Richard Kensinger
SSgt Richard Kensinger
>1 y
Indeed he is promoting Russia's agenda despite his claim that he has "been the hardest on" Russia. He continues to reject the fact that Russia interfered massively to promote Trump's election and hurt Clinton's via the Mueller Report and the senate intelligence committee. And now he is pressuring Ukraine to do the same.
Clearly we see POTUS from differing perspectives.
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Maj John Bell
Edited >1 y ago
One of the reasons the military has long held its position as a trusted national institution was the public silence of the Flag officers, when it came to politics and sitting presidents.

I first became politically aware during the Carter administration. My father was by that time a retired one star. There was little doubt in my mind that he did not approve of the Carter administration, yet I cannot remember a single negative comment about the Carter administration, or for that matter any post WWII president's policies or persona.

When I set off on a course to be commissioned, my father advised me to
_Keep my religion, politics , and sex life private to all except my wife, as long as I was on active duty.
_Senior officers active duty or retired are not critics. Any problem not worth them rolling up their sleeves and going to work on, ISN'T worth running their mouth about.

I believe our Flag officers should either clam up, or run for office.
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Maj Kim Patterson
PO1 Tony Holland good question. They didn’t get to be generals by giving up or giving in
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