Posted on Nov 9, 2019
FFRF applauds judgment blocking dangerous Trump administration rule - Freedom From Religion...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
I have cared for some pretty despicable people but I have NEVER treated them any differently than I would a family member. If you arent prepared to deal with patients who are unlike you, you need to find another career. There are various disparities in health care and this just codifies these disparities under the guise of religious freedom.
LTC David Brown
1SG (Join to see) - LOL. Did you read my post? People refuse cases all the time. If it is true life and death care is not refused. Having spent 30 years of anesthesia care in hospitals across the US and three foreign countries people whose life are at risk are not refused care.
LTC David Brown
1SG (Join to see) - Thank you for the exchange! Dispite Dr Carson. being a 7 th day Adventist he did not refuse to emergency surge from sundown Friday to Sundown Saturday.
Where's the FFRF when you need em?

Florida woman nearly drowns cat, allegedly told witness she was 'taking it to Jesus'
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