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Responses: 6
CWO3 Us Marine
I think they would have, but the communications of that day would or could have delayed the process greatly. Sending messages abroad was a matter of days each way there and back. There were only a handful of journalists as well.
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I think that the founding fathers are all dead, and that the folks who want to impeach Trump (when they are not talking about impeaching Trump) all want to repeal large portions of the Constitution that the fathers bequeathed to us.
Bored with irrelevant hypotheticals.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Really?
I must have missed that one.
Pray tell me, how exactly are the Republicans wont to do that? By exercising a power they themselves used just a couple decades ago (Impeachment)?
Or perhaps them exercising their vote whenever this comes to one.

Last I checked, it was all democrats advocating for the seizure of weapons, limiting religious freedom, limiting free speech, limiting free association, placing curbs on due process rights, and repealing the electoral college.
And that was just this week.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
1SG (Join to see) - by ignoring crimes and abuses by Trump, because they want to hold onto power. By not having the moral courage to stand up and say that this is wrong.

It's the reason that I left the party.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
5 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Oh. You must be referring to Eric Holder's contempt of Congress for not turning over Fast and Furious documents. Or maybe all of the records being deleted somehow at the IRS. Or maybe the War Powers Act violation Obama committed in Libya. Perhaps the declination to prosecute Hillary for flagrant violations of the Espionage Act and self-enrichment in office.
The double standards here are appalling and would make any normal person blanche.

The reason why people like me (no Trump fanboy here) are incredulous about the current drive to impeach isn't because there may or may not have been wrongdoing here. It is because the people making the accusations have made scurillous and unfounded charges that were obvious bullshit since before Trump even took the oath of office. That doesn't mean Trump couldn't have done wrong, it means we know that the chief inquisitor has. This is CLEARLY a partisan attempt to damage Trump politically going into 2020. The only thing bipartisan about this process is the vote against the process (2 is better than none).
So when it fails to get the desired result, it will be campaign ads. Who knows? Maybe the American people will hold their nose and vote for a person who purported to be a Native American and plans to double everyone's taxes. Sounds like a winning platform. Let's try it. Bernie isn't different, he just doesn't pretend to be a Native American. Then there's Joe, who is clearly not up for prime time. Everyone else is mired in deep single-digits, and ones with ideas that might catch on are being edged out of the Primary process months before the first votes are cast.

Look, I think I can speak for pretty much everyone that is reasonable in America when I say I wish I had better options in 2016. And it looks like my choices in 2020 won't be any better, just for different reasons.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
1SG (Join to see) - We can talk about Holder. My position was (and is) that the Congress should have tried him on the floor of Congress, convicted him of direct contempt, and jailed him. The Republicans had no balls then, and the Dems haven't showed any cajonés yet.
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LTC John Shaw
Hmm, Robert Reich says impeach, shocking! ~ From the same administration that spied on Trump and still won't accept the lawful results a democratic election. I call bull$hit on the whole Democrat game. Get over it already.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - Once again, you are repeating a falsehood. Every time I post this, the subject gets changed, but I'll try again:

CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - unfortunately, that isn't what Viktor Shokin says happened. He has testified and stated in multiple interviews that he was told to back off Burisma because of the relationship with Hunter Biden and that he was fired because he still kept it as an active investigation. Since it was his job that got axed, I'm going to say he knows why.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - And again, lets see how the libel suit against Halpers comes out. Vox isn't exactly a non partisan source. The other side is getting their turn now, the IG reports was nasty, the Judge has been cudgeling Mueller's team on the Flynn conviction, which I think will be overturned and the prosecutors involved sanctioned or worse, and Durham didn't form a Grand Jury because he thought people were innocent. It will be just like Watergate, one of the big boys/girls will look like he will get some jail time and he/she will sing like a canary.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
5 y
CPT Lawrence Cable - Shokin made his statement in support of Dmytro Firtash, a person connected to the Russian crime families and under indictment in the US.
None of this is simple. It has ties to Russian organized crime and Putin. Check the relationship between Firtash and Lev Parnas, one of the two men that paid Giuliani half a million dollars to let them "work" with him, Giuliani.
It is a very big issue, one in which Trump is deep into. Or at least Giuliani is.
Watch this space.
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