Posted on Oct 27, 2019
Read Ambassador William Taylor's full opening statement
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
So a Democrat controlled inquiry, with anti Trump political activists. What specific law again was violated or was it hurt feelings again?
SPC Erich Guenther
And you should ask: "What legal cases precede this one with that interpretation of campaign finance law........or is this the first case?" Democrats won't ask those questions because they challenge the Party line and they might be accused of "gasp" critical thinking when they read a news story. Both are idealogical crimes that carry severe sanction in the Democratic party of today.
So far Taylor’s and Sondland’s testimonies had been reported as confirming the allegations of using government resources in a manner that is an abuse of power. Can’t wait for them to testify again under oath in a public hearing. I don’t care if GOP Senators don’t impeach. Americans should know all the facts before the election. Consider Americans having to decide on voting for Clinton had the impeachment came before the ‘96 election and voters knew what they know about him now. That’s the perspective I have.
MAJ James Woods
SFC Bernard Walko Yep. Whistleblower complaint. WH released transcript summary. Taylor’s opening statement. Sondland’s testimony. Official text messages between State Dept. officials. Public acknowledgements from Trump, Mulvaney, and Giuliani. And that’s just for starters. Yep I can see how you need more answers and context. Haha!
MAJ James Woods
SFC Bernard Walko As much as it bothers folks that the whistleblower conversed with an aide on Schiff’s staff it doesn’t change the confirmed details of the phone call. WH transcript and statements from people appointed by Trump or Pompeo all confirmed the allegations of the whistleblower. This conspiracy that Schiff somehow fabricated these allegations with coordination with the whistleblower is laughable. What’s a waste of taxpayer money is the constant golfing at Trump resorts, three years of “feel good” rallies to the same pro Trump states and cities, and the constant reinvestigation into HRC email server looking for a deep state that doesn’t exist. But hey you keep hoping for Schiff to squirm during cross examination when public hearings begin. It’s hacks like GOP Jordan that will be in a panic trying to claim Trump appointees and an Army career combat veteran of being spies and traitors.
Stop with the “Star Chamber” one sided investigation and gain some degree of credibility. When all we get are selective leaks from this Top Secret guilty as charged forum, I doubt anything being divulged. Another instance of when did you stop beating your wife. Is there no limits to the radical Democrats effort to overturn the votes of 63 million voters. Due process is fundamental to our justice system.
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