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Responses: 4
MAJ Integration Officer
Wow, that chip on your shoulder must weigh pretty heavy, eh?
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CPT Jack Durish
There is nothing wrong with a liberal arts education. The problem is that those schools haven't been educating, they've been indoctrinating. As an autodidact, most of my education has been in the liberal arts, language and history. However, I earned my living on skills, also self taught. Every student should be advised to focus on both, scholarly pursuits and skills training. One makes you a better citizen and the other makes you a better wage earner. Sadly, since the Left took over education, they have focused on indoctrination. Instead of prepared their students to be citizens, they have prepared them to be subjects. Interestingly, those attending college to learn professional skills such as medicine and engineering don't seem to be as indoctrinated.
SGT Mary G.
SGT Mary G.
3 y
CPT Jack Durish My Dad didn't say as much in so many words, but more or less agreed. He wanted me to do something other than "basketweaving" in college (which was his favorite accusation about the value of a college education when he was being cynical). Many decades later my perspective has become that unless one needs to be certified in a profession like lawyer, m.d., science, engineering . . . almost everything else is more or less humanities and subject to a lot of debate which makes any associated "political leanings" more or less indoctrination. Although, higher education is also a good way to sample possible career interests with introductory classes. And the fact is that acquiring department funding always ends up being political.
When we were told we could invite anyone we chose to a geology field trip, I invited Dad. It was awesome to see how much he enjoyed that field trip. I would still enjoy learning how to weave baskets, but it wasn't offered anywhere I attended, lol. Did love pottery class, though!
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Cpl Software Engineer
The same idiots saying "we need to protect the kids from gun violence" are running around saying "abortion at will." Irony escapes the ideological mental midget.
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