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Responses: 8
CW5 Jack Cardwell
Past time we leave that quagmire.
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
While Trump claims he is keeping a promise to "bring the troops home", there are ways to go about doing that, and this is not it. And that promise rings hollow as at the same time Trump is sending more troops to Saudi Arabia, so like most everything he says, his lines about "bringing the troops home" is complete bullshit. He was more concerned about the profits of his investments in Istanbul than he was about national security, the long term interests of the United States, or the perception of stabbing an ally in the back.
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
5 y
I agree 100%.
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TSgt David Holman
I don't normally speak to political items, but this one really has me scratching my head. The president decided to pull out of Syria, knowing (one would hope) exactly what Turkey would do given the chance. He had to know that it would erase all of the efforts and advances made on the war against ISIS as well. Then, when Turkey does exactly what everyone knew they would, he has the audacity to say the Kurds didn't help us on D-Day.... Then, he puts sanctions on Turkey for doing exactly what he knew they would do... This is like a parent punishing a child for staying up too late watching TV when the parent gave them the remote...
Nothing about this situation is good, nor does it make sense. These actions actually bring up more questions than the Russia investigation and the current impeachment proceedings combined. It is almost time to bring a long hard look at the 25th Amendment....
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
5 y
Thank you.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
I don't believe it was the actions of a "crazy" person. Stupid, yes. Greedy and self serving, yes. Criminal and corrupt, probably. But not crazy. It was a calculated move based on personal motive for profit and doing what Erdogan wanted Trump to do to ensure continued operations of Trump Towers in Istanbul.
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
5 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - A few weeks ago, Putin, Erdogan and Rouhani met to discuss the Syria situation. Any questions? And about the only place you read about this was on RT. Hmmmmm.
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