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Responses: 12
MSG Stan Hutchison
2 reasons;
1. Trump Tower Istanbul
2. Vladimir Putin.
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
5 y
Thanks for the reality check!
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Sgt Commander, Dav Chapter #90
In my view this move was a bad one... Better to maintain the status quo with our partners around Syria... Minimal resources, but can be sizably increased in short order... Someone is giving our President and Commander in Chief some bad advice and Intel...
SSG Robert Mark Odom
SSG Robert Mark Odom
5 y
I agree 100% Russia?
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
5 y
SSG Robert Mark Odom - Oh for petes sake, can we stop with the Russia idiocy already. The mission was complete, ISIS as a viable threat has been eliminated, most of the ISIS prisoners are in Iraq, and whatever prisoners the Kurds and other forces in the north have will likely be eliminated, and I won't shed a tear over them.

Turkey, if they follow through and do cross the border, will not have a cakewalk, as most of the forces they are facing are well organized, know the terrain, are veterans, and well equipped. If there is one thing my deployments have taught me, a guerrilla force is lethal, hard to eliminate, and absolutely can wear down the political will to continue operations. Turkey is going to get first hand experience of the same shit both Russia and the US have experienced in Afghanistan.

Couple that with pressure from both NATO and the EU to cease will make this a short lived folly by Turkey.
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
LCDR Joshua Gillespie
5 y
SSG Robert Perrotto - I think you're right; Turkey likely wants an opportunity to assert itself...have at it. My guess is a whole lot of U.S. purchased munitions might be "left behind", and who knows...maybe a few "contractors" on CIA payroll to make sure things don't get out of hand.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSG Robert Mark Odom At this Point, Not Much Doubt Trump will do whatever Putin Wants and whatever lines His Pockets. That is the Only thing that Guides His Action. Betray any Friend, Betray any US Ally.
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