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Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish
We (Veterans) are a politically insignificant minority, growing more insignificant in numbers with every passing year. Don't expect much attention from the government. Politicians only mention us to entice civilians to vote for them. However, I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Look at all the government has done for other minorities. Yeah, right. Whenever I hear "The government ought to do something", I hide my wallet, and you know damn well that whatever the government does, if anything, it will only make matters worse. This is why I support the Constitution and a return to a government exercising only those powers enumerated in the Constitution.
Cpl Software Engineer
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5 y
The craziest part about your statement is that there is an even a smaller group/minority that seems to have a louder voice. Why does a smaller group who has done nothing for our country, except complain, have a larger voice than those of us who've sacrificed or when several have dedicated most of their adult lives for our country?
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
5 y
Well said Jack, it's so true that vets represent an ever decreasing percentage of the population. Frankly the only reason politicians even mention vets is because they think it will get them some votes IMO. Your comment about the government reminds me of the IG Inspection Team comment, we're only here to help, ya sure!
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
5 y
Cpl (Join to see) - The only minority smaller than the Veteran community (18.8 million) that I know of is the Jewish community (about 6.5 million). There are others, but I am not familiar with them. The Left, who is doing the most damage, appears louder and more populous than any other group. They are not a minority in the strictest sense. They, like all ideological movements, has a small core leadership, a propaganda arm consisting of virtually all news and cultural media, indoctrination centers in virtually every American school and college campus, and many millions of minions. In total, the Left represents about one third of the population and is noisome because the media provide them with the loudest podiums. We veterans are quiet. Inasmuch as we are considered broken by our experiences, most of us remain relatively silent to avoid being classed as fit only for mental institutions.
CPT Special Forces Officer
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5 y
CPT Jack Durish - Or becoming targets of "Red Flag" laws.
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LTC Self Employed
Cpl Software Engineer
Edited 5 y ago
There is only one way to fix it, using my best broken record imitation;

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