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Responses: 7
MSG Stan Hutchison
I would like to see just one time when something is said about Trump that his supporters don't go "what about..."
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
SPC Randy Torgerson - If Biden's actions were potentially criminal, why wouldn't the US Justice Department investigate?
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
5 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Really? The same reason they never investigated Hillary's email.... Comey, McCabe, a half dozen other top officials..... wow, I can't believe you even asked that question. Hey, if Trump was guilty of working with the Russians, why is he not charged, in jail, already impeached...? Don't say because you can't charge a sitting president, that's fake news brother, that was NOT in the Muller report. The attorney General said that was not part of the decision process.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
SPC Randy Torgerson - They DID investigate Hillary's email. What are you talking about? Comey made a recommendation... What do you think the whole brew-haha was about when Comey RECOMMENDED not prosecuting for lack of evidence? The FBI doesn't prosecute, it investigates. The DOJ could have prosecute if it wanted to despite Comey's recommendation, but it chose not to. Even while Trump was in office and Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate, no prosecution despite claims of having so much evidence.

"Don't say because you can't charge a sitting president, that's fake news brother, that was NOT in the Muller report." - Okay, so now we will test your integrity. I will direct you to page 1 of Volume 2 of the Mueller report which states, "The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has issued an opinion finding that 'the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions' in violation of “the constitutional separation of powers.”1. The footnote citation on the same page - A Sitting President’s Amenability to Indictment and Criminal Prosecution, 24 Op. O.L.C. 222, 222, 260 (2000) (OLC Op.).

So no, not "fake news" at all, and now I am curious if you have as much interest in the facts as you claim you do. I can provide a link to the Mueller report if you want to read it.

So... Why was Trump not indicted? Specifically because of the DOJ policy cited in the Mueller report that the sitting president cannot be indicted. THAT is the ONLY reason he was not indicted... and under the current AG, who claims the president cannot even be criminally investigated - I can break out that citation too if you want it. It relates back to what I said about hiding behind executive protections.

Lets recap - Facts:
- They (FBI) did investigate Hillary's emails [server].
- Result of investigation > Comey recommended against prosecution.
- The DOJ does not have to follow FBI's recommendation, especially if they claim to have a lot of evidence and/or feel the FBI investigation was inadequate
- Still no prosecution of not a single indictment of Hillary
- The DOJ does have standing policy against indicting a sitting president
- Said DOJ policy was referenced and cited specifically in the Mueller report
Everything I just listed above are verifiable facts. I may say things you don't like to hear, but I wouldn't lie to you and I wouldn't steer you wrong.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
5 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - No more man.... enjoy life.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Edited 5 y ago
If true that he solicited dirt from a foreign Govt against a political opponent, this may be what brings him down. If not the Dems will suffer tremendously
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
5 y
We'll see...
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
LOL roflh.
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