Posted on Jul 2, 2021
5 Ways to Manage PTSD Symptoms During Fireworks Season | Everyday Health
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I am happy the many people enjoy Fireworks and that many cities celebrate our independence. Both my dog and I have a difficult time with the 'surprise' fireworks that show up randomly in and around our neighborhoods. I tend to take my dog and I to the basement of our home, this is the most quiet place we can go. Most the time after a few hours, we are good to go.
If you enjoy fireworks, I want you to enjoy the experiences. If you plan on launching fireworks, please be considerate of neighbors and discuss your plan. If you are in a rural area and neighbors aren't very near, launch away! Happy July 4th, our independence day!
If you enjoy fireworks, I want you to enjoy the experiences. If you plan on launching fireworks, please be considerate of neighbors and discuss your plan. If you are in a rural area and neighbors aren't very near, launch away! Happy July 4th, our independence day!
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
A lot of the veterans in my neck of the woods generally go out of town for the holiday weekend to cabins in the middle of the boonies LTC John Shaw
I guess the only way to fix it is to move. I follow the law, so killing or beating the probable 30 people in my neighborhood who shoot off mortars in the area at random between June 1st and August 1st isn't going to happen. I'm trying to move. Not only do I find myself standing up from a dead sleep, our cats hide in the house in a panic every time some inconsiderate jerk decides to be "powerful" by setting off illegal fireworks as late as 3 am. I like the idea of yard signs, but it only controls those who are caring people.
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