Posted on Mar 29, 2021
5 more military myths that Hollywood swears are true - We Are The Mighty
Posted 4 y ago
Responses: 4
John Wayne, did not serve! When the shxt hits the fan , so does any plans. Train to respond, if not your responce will be nothing. Without training, you have 3 options, #1 flight! #2 fright, #3 fight. Train to fight. I trainedthat way and am 50+ years older!!!!
10 rules of combat, I remember about 4
1) A good plan never lasts past 1st contact with enemy.
1) A good plan never lasts past 1st contact with enemy.
6. Leave all the weapons and ammo behind as they are dropped by the dead.
Ridiculous! Resupply every chance you get, carry more than one weapon. Bullets and water will keep you going! ;)
Ridiculous! Resupply every chance you get, carry more than one weapon. Bullets and water will keep you going! ;)
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