Posted on Sep 2, 2019
The Social Worker Industrial Complex Breeds Off Demonizing Veterans – Black & Right / Black &...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
"Respectfully, nothing in the OpEd casts social workers as demonizing veterans."
Did that anonymous person who blocked me from responding even listen to the recording, or call a VA social worker whose voice mail starts with if you are having a mental health issue, etc. call this number? Not all veterans have drug or mental health issue and I'm f-ing sorry if I may come off as an "entitled veteran" but when you advertise that you can do something within a certain time and we don't have calls returned, we're told you can't do something and someone else said it could've been done weeks ago, goal posts are being moved but now I'm being told to shut up and be grateful?
And don't even get me started on VA workers who go on strike for pay raises while holding those "We love our vets" signs....
Did that anonymous person who blocked me from responding even listen to the recording, or call a VA social worker whose voice mail starts with if you are having a mental health issue, etc. call this number? Not all veterans have drug or mental health issue and I'm f-ing sorry if I may come off as an "entitled veteran" but when you advertise that you can do something within a certain time and we don't have calls returned, we're told you can't do something and someone else said it could've been done weeks ago, goal posts are being moved but now I'm being told to shut up and be grateful?
And don't even get me started on VA workers who go on strike for pay raises while holding those "We love our vets" signs....
Oh, I didn't personalize it enough... and she took it upon herself to block me. Quite the VA employee.
I've screenshotted this exchange just in case something happens to my current VASH voucher process.... and she took it upon herself to block me. Quite the VA employee.
I've screenshotted this exchange just in case something happens to my current VASH voucher process....

McAuliffe’s ‘Functionally’ No-Homeless-Vets-in-Virginia Lie – Black & Right / Black & Blonde...
Incredible statements by the First Lady and especially Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who had the audacity to say what he did in front of active duty soldiers and veterans. Some of the numbers of homeless veterans recited by Michelle Obama are simply unbelievable, and the very idea there are NO homeless veterans in Virginia, are on its face also unbelievable, as are the government’s suspect numbers.
SPC Johnny Strouth
Where did you serve? My husband served in Vietnam on the Hochuming trail. I know the. Spelling is wrong, it is the main highway through Vietnam.
SN (Join to see)
SPC Johnny Strouth - Oh, I guess it's time I prove my worth. This was expected.
I served three-and-a-half of my four years on the USS Midway out of Yokosuka, Japan. I did a year as an Aviation Boatswains Mate (blue shirt) on the flight deck. I literally broke my back and changed rating to Journalist which was my training before enlisting and in broadcast television after I got out.
I served three-and-a-half of my four years on the USS Midway out of Yokosuka, Japan. I did a year as an Aviation Boatswains Mate (blue shirt) on the flight deck. I literally broke my back and changed rating to Journalist which was my training before enlisting and in broadcast television after I got out.
SPC Johnny Strouth
I meant no offense. I had a family member who served overseas during that time and in the pacific. I was wondering if you my have knowledge of the Big RedOne that was my husbands unit.
SPC Johnny Strouth
Signing off for the night must finish my baking for my disabled vet. Hope you have a blessed evening.
Kathy strouth and Johnny Strouth
Kathy strouth and Johnny Strouth
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