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Responses: 4
SFC James Shanks
It's ironic that you use the words racism and obama as topics. Why would you even bring up obama in conjunction with the article, unless you're going to talk about all of the mass shootings during his time and nobody blamed him.
All I can say is that my President Trump is always welcome in my El Paso.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
If you had watched the video, the reason Obama was a topic would be obvious.

As to being welcome? Only if he stays in Segundo Barrio.
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Cpl Jeff N.
Edited 5 y ago
When you start from the position that Trump is a racist, bigot, xenophobe etc. and have been parroting that line for 3 years it is unlikely you will ever change your mind.

If Trump is a racist, he is one of the worst of all time. He has worked hard to get economic gains for all in our economy. He moved our embassy to Jerusalem and is a strong supported of Israel and the Jewish community (his daughter is married to a Jew). He meets with black community leaders in the white house regularly. Almost all of them that meet with him will tell you he is not racist and support him. I know, the democrats have a term for those folks too don't they.

He has supported economic zones and even signed sweeping justice reform that will benefit minorities in prison to be released earlier. He has pointed out the suffering in cities like Baltimore and Chicago which is undeniable and have had essentially one party rule for decades. When he points that out, you guessed it, he is a racist. The democrats are out of arguments and resort to name calling as their lead strategy.

Democrats don't welcome Trump anywhere but the bad news for them is he has Air Force 1, the Secret Service and the ability to go where he likes and there are plenty of people there that want to see him too. So tough shit for democrats in El Paso.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
5 y
OK, let's address the multitude of points made:

When a person has consistently exhibited racist behavior from the 1970s to the present day, it's reasonable to start with the position that he's a racist. BTW, I concluded he was a racist in the early 1990s, when he testified that tribal members didn't "look Indian" enough to have a casino.

Next, Trump hasn't worked hard at all, playing golf more than any other President, and failing to accomplish much. For example, his tariff trade war announcements about China have driven the Dow down 1500 points in less than 10 days.

Third, what Trump fails to point out about Baltimore and other Democratic districts is significant. Cummings district is the 2nd wealthiest minority district in the United States. It's home to major facilities, like John Hopkins, and the University of Maryland System. He fails to point out the the 20 wealthiest districts in the United States are all represented by Democrats. All of them. Why don't we look at the 10 poorest states in the U.S.: Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, South Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia. Do you want to look at which party runs the majority of those states? The Democrats are not out of arguments, you're just not listening because you're OK with what Trump is saying.

There's another reason that El Paso may not want him to show up--because he doesn't pay his bills. How much does he still owe El Paso from his last visit?
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Edited 5 y ago
Capt Gregory Prickett I Would Hope So. Democrats actually can remember words, words Like:
Trump, talking about migrants on the southern border: “How do you stop these people?”

Crowd: “Shoot them.”

Trump, chuckling: “That’s only in the Panhandle you can get away with that stuff.”
Sure Doesn't Sound Like He is Discouraging that Mentality.
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