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Responses: 5
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
I wonder how it feels to have someone living rent free in your head.
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SSgt Owner/Operator
The Myth

If you tell a lie often enough, long enough and loudly enough the myth becomes accepted as a fact. Repetition, volume and longevity can twist and turn any myth or any lie into a commonly accepted way of doing things. Entire populations have been lulled into the approval of ghastly deeds and even participation in them by gradually moving from the truth to a lie. Throughout history, twisted logic, rationalization and incremental changes have allowed normally intelligent people to be party to ridiculous things. And when we participate in what the crowd identifies as normal, even if it is stupid, we gain acceptance into the club. Sometimes we don't even realize that what we are doing is stupid because we have been taught it is just "the way you do it", and so we never ask why. As we participate in the myth, we learn to spout the principles of the myth. After the years go by and we have invested more money and more time into the myth we become great disciples and can preach the points of the myth with great fervor and volume. We become such experts on the myth that we can sell others on joining the lie. And by the time someone comes along with the truth, we believe the truth is the myth.

I once joined the myth, but no more. The truth sits in this arena. I fully believe that. You learn how to become a free thinker. Not just a freedom fighter; a freedom vigilante! You take it into your own hands. And at the end of the day you take the blue pill or the red pill, because you take the blue pill Neo, and the story ends. And you wake up and believe what ever you want to believe. But you take the red pill and you stay in wonder land. And your own independent research shows you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Now that the Russia Collusion is dead it is time to attack Trump on another front - racism. Guess he's the Grand Pu-bah of the KKK now. Any day now he will descend on Baltimore with burning crosses and vigilante crowds and the trees will be full of hangings.

You've drunk the (blue) kool-aid for so long now that your own background and training are failing you.
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
5 y
Well said. Independent, rational, critical-thinking is needed now, as much as ever, in this great nation of ours. The words, "racism" and "Racist" have become so over-used and improperly used that they have lost all tie to the Meriam Webster definition. And soon even Meriam-Webster will have to modify the definition to reflect the myth-definition. Let us never distinguish again, the differences in meaning between bigotry, stereotyping, rudeness, crudeness, fact-based critique, and racism. All of them are now "racism".
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
The President has always struck me more as an elitist. I’m sure he’d rather have dinner with rich black folks than poor white folks. But allegations of racism towards The President aren’t new, and they particularly aren’t new since Russian Collusion became a buzz phrase.

These allegations and lawsuits go back nearly half a century. See below just a few of the more notable examples.
https://www.upi.com/Archives/1992/10/19/Trump-Plaza-loses-appeal-of-discrimination-penalty/ [login to see] 00/
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SPC Casey Ashfield
Ironic how no one thought Trump was racist until he ran against Democrats.
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