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Responses: 3
SSgt Richard Kensinger
sadly, these perspective have root way before the Civil War. I have several published articles in this regard. It is a deliberate process of what I refer to as "the deconstruction of collective selves". Here are the stages: invalidations, devaluations, dehumanizations, psychosocial death/mortification and suicide, homicide, genocide. I have a published article: "The US Incivility War".
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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited 5 y ago
There is no condoning the language used by the President. Each of the women he was referring to is accomplished and are duly elected Representatives of the people of their districts. Whether they represent their district's people well is for them to decide.
Each of them in turn and indeed Trump himself is a public figure with ample things in their words and deeds to be critical of without sinking to this level. Indeed, after the flap about anti-Semitic comments by Rep Omar, it is pretty rich that she's calling Trump a racist. Likewise, you'd think Trump would have learned a thing or two by now and the fact he continues to drop tweets with the words he does only builds the case that he has racist views and goals.
What should be under intense focus on the report given, under oath at that, by AOC and the squad that the detention center they visited had horrendous conditions. If true, that should lead to immediate action. If untrue, it should lead to universal scorn and condemnation. Not because of their color or national origin, but because they are lying liars that lie.
Unfortunately, the truth often goes AWOL with politicians, so people make up their minds on things without comfirmation.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
POTUS's rationalized his statement by saying they didn't like America they should got to their home countries. So him saying that why has he not left yet? He has repeatedly said America is not great any more. So why is he not gone?
LTC Eugene Chu
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