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Responses: 2
LTC Stephen C.
Edited 6 y ago
It seems really strange for the leadership to even think that way, LTC Eric Udouj. Before the revolution, their culture was headed toward Westernization in a big way. They've driven themselves back into the Dark Ages with purpose. There are people there that remember the pre-revolution days, so it's not like this is something new. It's Iranian leadership rhetoric.
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
6 y
The problem in Iran is exactly that - people remember - as well as see elsewhere.... and it can not be shut off like the old days when the revolution was hijacked. Our problem these days is that we get so wrapped up in the bean counter reports lookiing at objects - that we completely seem to forget that fighting Iran is first and foremost about disrupting the ideology of the revolution... not about conventional military operations... but some at the top fail to see that... they never did get it before - nor now.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
6 y
LTC Eric Udouj, your comments bring to mind another problem, which is misuse of special operations forces, more particularly U.S. Army Special Forces. What you have described is right in their wheelhouse, along with psychological operations units. As long as they’re over tasked with somewhat conventional missions, they’ll never be able to accomplish the mission for which they’re trained. I assume that’s kind of where you were headed with your thoughts?
LTC Eric Udouj
LTC Eric Udouj
>1 y
Center mass of target... as usual. Over tasked attempting the wrong paths instead of the one that has to be taken. At some point you have to get out of the countering role and actually engage the problem itself.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Interesting post.
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