Dear friend,
On this day in 1944, the largest seaborne invasion in history took place on the beaches of Normandy as members of the Allied Powers stormed the coastline to fight against Nazi Germany. SecondWWs_DVD_ProductBox
This invasion was a key turning point for Allied victory in the second World War,, and it was a heroic -- and costly -- effort.
One way to honor the brave soldiers who fought in World War II is to study the conflict itself -- its causes, the strategies used, and its implications on the present day. To this end, Hillsdale College has produced an online course about the war, titled "The Second World Wars." Many of your fellow Hillsdale supporters – 72,761, in fact – have taken it. It's offered for free, just like all of the College’s online courses.
We’ve heard from many of our friends that wish to receive it in DVD format. So I wanted to let you know we’ve made “The Second World Wars” course into a DVD boxed set for your home library or to give as a gift. The DVD set provides an analysis of Allied and Axis investments and strategies in the air, on land, and at sea that led to the victory of the Allies.
I’ve included a secure link below where you can get this special edition of “The Second World Wars” on DVD. hope you find this course as important and fascinating as I do. The strength and bravery of American soldiers during one of the darkest times in human history reminds me of how proud I am to be an American. We owe our thanks to those who served and still serve.
Warm regards,
Larry P. Arnn
President, Hillsdale College