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Responses: 11
CPT Jack Durish
Robert De Niro? That's who we're supposed to take legal advice from? Sure sounds like you and I wasted a helluva lot of time in law school
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Did you even watch the video? All De Niro did was narrate at the beginning and introduce the actual former federal prosecutors who made the assertion. I picked up on that, you did not, which I would imagine is because you likely did not watch the video...
LTC Eugene Chu
LTC Eugene Chu
>1 y
De Niro may not have a legal background, but he was funny in "Meet The Parents"

CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett you got me, counselor. Guilty as charged. Sorry but I have a hard time watching De Niro and avoid anything when he's billed in it. However, in mitigation, the headline implies more than just a supporting role for the famous actor. It seems that the shills for this video overplayed their hand not realizing that folk like me aren't overly impressed with celebrities, especially Hollywood celebrities
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SFC Pete Kain
So this what desperation looks like, interesting
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - Yes, the article did say that, however, it also said:
“That said, medical anthropologists and critical sociologists have convincingly argued that DSM-5 is a flawed document. Indeed, social scientists have long recognized that there are numerous ‘folk categories’ of mental disorders that are considered real conditions by the general public, even though they are not recognized as such in the DSM. These include categories such as ‘burnout’ or ‘nervous breakdown.'
As such, lack of official recognition does not mean that TDS is not a real mental condition.”
Once again, you purposely leave out essential data in your argument...

A person’s opinion about something someone says and/or his interpretation of what was said does not necessarily make it a lie, especially when they are evaluating statements of someone they despise (TDS)...

All politicians are accused of making false statements by their opponents/people who support other candidates/parties.

In a lying contest by Presidents, Barack Obama is the winner, by a long shot, and probably always will be.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
COL Jean (John) F. B. - not hardly. Obama's policies were terrible, and he overstepped his authority on multiple occasions, but when it comes to lying, no one else is close to Trump.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
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SPC Kevin Ford
Has anyone noticed that Mueller and Di Nero look a bit alike? ;)
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