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Responses: 3
LTC Wayne Brandon
Edited >1 y ago
An interesting article, PO1 Nagel -
As Paul wrote to the Romans in Chapter 3 vs 4: “... let God be true, but every man a liar;"
God said He would preserve His word forever and has certainly done that for the English speaking people as much as any other people. Yet things tend to get very confused and distorted when men speaking or in this case writing, with authority they don't possess, successfully influence others to their personal take on what God "really" means as if they have some special insight.
The bible tells us the word of God "is not of any private interpretation"
2 Ptr 1:20 "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."
We are also instructed to change neither a jot nor a tittle yet men have taken the only authorized version of the scriptures translated to the English from the Greek that had been superintended by the Holy Spirit of God from the beginning and have rewritten it to reflect their thinking, not the thinking of God. Then further insulting God and His word by planting a Copyright at the beginning to assure the reputation of that work stays with the writer.

Men followed men in the rituals of Christianity until Martin Luther actually took time to read the bible for himself discovering that there was considerable error in the doctrine of the church regarding salvation. He was excommunicated from the church so began his own which followed the bible and the instructions found therein rather than the ideas and favored practices of men.

Every person seeking God will find Him and it is easier today than ever before.
When they do, they are to study the bible prayerfully, not just read it. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim 2:15
It is the 'rightly dividing of the word' that many are never able to come to because they are content in going to church, putting something in the offering plate and going home, or turning on the TV to some 'evangelist' and calling that church. Never hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit speak to them as they study for themselves.

When men follow men instead of the Lord they are bound to find themselves out of step with Him.
His word is the lamp unto our feet and whether a church is new or old is probably irrelevant.
Whether a church follows and preaches the truth of the bible, is.

In short, Christ should always be the central figure in every service. If you ever hear a sermon preached and Christ is not mentioned, flee that place and find one that is Christ centered.
You will find yourself to be all the happier for it.

Thanks for posting this one today - A great lunchtime read. Have a great day!
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Thank you for sharing brother Chip.
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1LT Chaplain Candidate
Thanks for sharing.

Theologically, maybe it would do the church well to remember the Trinity. We cannot divorce any action of Christ from any other part of God. Therefore, when I say God drowned the Pharoah and his Army in the red sea, I am also saying that Jesus was present and in full agreement. Likewise with any other discussion where we try to pin Christ down with what he did or did not do with his time on Earth. When God the Father condemns homosexuality in Leviticus or when Ananias and Sapphira are struck dead in Acts, Jesus was present and in full agreement

Historically, we need to recognize our gentile identity. We should engage our religion with the Hebrews and how Christianity came about through the Hebrew/Jewish people, as the chosen people of God. Their history ought to communicate with our theology, especially in considering things like homosexuality and violence.

Fun Fact: The Hebrew poem in Exodus 15 calls God a "man of war". It's an very interesting anthropomorphism, especially given the context, as God is revealing himself in important new ways. Food for thought.
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