Posted on May 12, 2019
Maryland police department investigating officer caught on video using the n-word
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
WOW...that just surpasses stupid!!! HOWEVER, they were recording and were baiting her into saying something so they could have it on video and take it viral. Asa police officer youhave to rise above what is being said or done and act in a professional way. I have a friend who is a cop and he told me he has been called everything but what he was. He stated you can't take it personally but you don't have to take iti either. If they don't want to listen to you and your commnads as a cop then you have every right to slap cuffs on them and haul them in for not obeying lawful orders of police and if they fight the cuffs you have them on resisting. There are ways to combat this without lowering yourself to their level. She did not do a minimum a suspension without pay and remedial training and not allowed to promote up for two to three years and for a year she has to ride with a training officer while on duty...if she doesn't accept that then her other option is to find another job.
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