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Responses: 2
LTC Greg Henning
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel Appreciate you sharing this information!
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
LTC Greg Henning History is My Love.
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LCDR Joshua Gillespie
Edited >1 y ago
No offense, but I'm confused... the author asserts some widespread adaptation of this literature into our collective thought... I couldn't find a single "Christian" doctrine anywhere. Honestly, I was expecting some expose on "Paradise Lost", or a companion piece revealing the various "versions" of the canonical Bible.. but, Monmouth... really?

Worse still, the article "seems" to point to Christian (specifically, American Christian) Anti-Semitics... the writer certainly hasn't spoken with many American Christians, most of whom (myself included) probably own a copy of Paul Newman's "Exodus" at home...some probably even cry a bit at the end.

I realize the "point" is to draw some comparison between the Jews and the "Left"... or someone... something, but it's trying to draw a line from "A" to "42".

The only coherent thing I did draw from it was a commentary on the recent issues regarding late-term abortion... and really, if someone's trying to defend that, this approach makes it look like even THEY are so unsure as to have to filter the argument in through a lesson in Medieval literature.

Sorry, this one's a swing and a miss... and by a large margin.
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