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Responses: 3
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
Edited 4 y ago
So I have seen that so called "shocking doctor confessional" press conference hosted by Breitbart. I am curious, for everyone posting, did any of you actually look into any of the "doctors" or the actual group? Here is some info:

1. America's Frontline Doctors didn't exist until July 16th. The group wasn't created by the doctor's but by a group called Tea Party Patriots. The domain name for the internet was literally created 12 days ago. It is purely political propaganda.

2. They aren't even all doctors. Half of them literally stood there talking with white lab coats that said "America's Frontline Doctors" while not being a doctor.

3. One of the doctor's, Dr. Immanuel, who is the leading pastor of Fire Power Ministries, regularly hosts events such as "Deliverance From Family Line Witchcraft." She also regularly preaches that having sex with witches and demons in your dreams will have physical effects on you, such as causing cysts and endometriosis. Oh, and DOCTOR Immanuel believes alien DNA is used in medical treatments, like vaccines that will prevent people from being religious.

4. None of them are ER doctors or virologists.

5. The video wasn't pulled over some mass conspiracy. It was pulled because those people are dangerous. What doctors use words like "fake science?" What doctor promotes alien dna theories. Come on.

So disappointing to see this being shared.
Sgt Jesus Rodriguez
Sgt Jesus Rodriguez
4 y
Yes, I’ve seen the video and researched some of the main characters, even the backgrounds are questionable in a negative way. You are correct, not all characters are doctors but something all have in common is that all are republican extremists.

This should be against the law for spreading misinformation during a time of crisis, similar to falsely shouting fire in a movie theater.
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CW5 Jack Cardwell
Not subscribing even if it's only $1.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
OK. Let me be VERY clear. I do jot agree with with demon dream sex theory. I do not endorse anything that batshit crazy woman espouses. I do not agree with the doctor group or with Firepower Ministries.

However.... I also do not agree with the poor journalism in this opinion piece. The author makes the common mistake of conflation. In order to discredit hydrocycholoroquine, he discredits the person supporting it. He is attacking the messenger rather than the message. Yes, this doctor is WAY off base on many of her ideas. That does not NECESSARILY mean she is off base on ALL of her ideas.
I get it. Hydroxychloroquine is probably not your best medical bet for COVID. And masks are IMPORTANT. But make THAT case rather than simply discrediting the messenger.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
4 y
CW4 Guy Butler Saying, as this article did, that she is wrong about sex dream demons, therefore she is wrong about HCQ is conflation. Saying she is wrong about HCQ because we have the science, and here is a link to the FDA, which you have done, but the article did not, is NOT conflation.

As I said, she is batshit crazy, I do not support her or anything she espouses. I even stated that HCQ is not the best bet for COVID. The point I was making is that this was a poorly written piece which ises the age old trick of attempting to discredit the person rather than discrediting the theory. It, by extension, is also attempting to discredit Trump by discrediting the people he supports. Which I did not dtate in my first point, but was implying. Which is silly, because there is plenty to discredit POTUS with based on his own statements, rather than attacking those who he supports.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
4 y
CW4 Guy Butler It's just plain sloppy and lazy.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
4 y
Find a reputable infectious disease specialist that supports it. Find a peer review paper that shows it is effective. It is in the same category as demonic semen and Family line witchcraft. Trump.and his cult simplybrefuae to admit they were wrong even after it has been proven to be a risk without reward.
SFC Casey O'Mally
SFC Casey O'Mally
4 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr And the Trump-hate cult apparently has a hard time withholding from the blame game long enough to read critically.

I did NOT support the use of HCQ, and as a matter of fact I stated it is a bad option. What I did state was that this was a poorly written article, and the author did a horrible job of writing.

Yes, HCQ is a bad choice if you are trying to fight COVID-19. But the REASON it is a bad choice is that we have the science to show it is a bad choice. NOT because this person who supports its use believes in demon sex dreams.

Even batshit crazy people are right sometimes. Therefore proving they are batshit crazy does NOT disprove thier statements. Disproving their statements disproves them. The author did NOTHING to disprove the HCQ claims. It is poor journalism. It is shows both a lack of effort and a lack of thought.
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