Posted on Apr 25, 2019
Opinion | Militias aren't patrolling the border. Domestic terrorists are.
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 6
PO1 John Johnson
Can't make an ideological political case out of an issue without using illogical theories!
SSG (Join to see)
I don’t believe they have the legal authority to enforce laws. The National Guard may only enforce law during a state of emergency. MSG Stan Hutchison
SSG Christopher Parrish
State Defense Forces (state military, state guards, state militias, or state military reserves) are authorized under the Constitution, under 32 U.S.C. § 109. They report to the same Governor as the ARNG and AirNG, with the main difference being a SDF cannot be federalized for activation outside of their state. The only time a SDF would level their state is through a mutual aid request from another state's Governor.
These guys who are rounding up illegal aliens are not an organized SDF though, although a part of me doesn't blame them for what they are doing. They are vigilantes in my opinion, by taking the law in to their own hands and detaining people, but they are doing so to protect their state. I'm not saying they are in the right, just saying they are trying to do their part when the federal government doesn't seem to really be doing it's job 100%.
These guys who are rounding up illegal aliens are not an organized SDF though, although a part of me doesn't blame them for what they are doing. They are vigilantes in my opinion, by taking the law in to their own hands and detaining people, but they are doing so to protect their state. I'm not saying they are in the right, just saying they are trying to do their part when the federal government doesn't seem to really be doing it's job 100%.
MSG Stan Hutchison
SSG (Join to see) - I believe they can be authorized by the governor to assist in enforcing state laws. I may be incorrect, but that is my impression. That is if the state recognize them as a "state defense force."
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While I disagree entirely with Reyes's obvious agenda of excusing illegal entry to the US, these "militias" are vigilantes and do not seem at all helpful in any way. There was a documentary a few years ago about problems with vigilantes on both sides of the border:
Toward the end of the documentary, they show the American "militia" guy talking about how he ended up doing what he is doing and what was shown in the documentary made it appear to me that he was mostly motivated by boredom and lack of professional opportunities.
Toward the end of the documentary, they show the American "militia" guy talking about how he ended up doing what he is doing and what was shown in the documentary made it appear to me that he was mostly motivated by boredom and lack of professional opportunities.
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