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Responses: 16
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Edited >1 y ago
"Thousands" died?
Probably more like a couple hundred.
And if it were a thousand or even thousands, is this in fact a problem? We were executing a mission against Aidid's forces. Things went sideways, and a running battle ensued. They brought guns; we brought guns. The Rangers, 10th Mountain, and SF guys involved were outnumbered dozens to one.
I think the only real regret Rep Omar and her ilk have is that they couldn't finish the fight, Little Bighorn style. Because they were a disorganized and undisciplined rabble and our guys had iron in their veins.
Then there is why we were there in the first place, questionable as it was at the time. As I recall, it was to support the UN humanitarian mission there, which was getting harassed and worse while delivering HA by malign warlords and militias trying to steal international aid for themselves.
Whatever, Rep Omar. I look forward to voting in 2020 for anyone else.
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TSgt David L.
What a slap in the face to our military Heroes. Her, and Occasional Cortex saying that the VA health care system works well. Maybe Congress should start going there?!
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
That would be poetic justice. One thing we know for sure on that. The VA would get fixed overnight if Congress had to access it like our veterans that use it do.
TSgt David L.
TSgt David L.
>1 y
Cpl Jeff N. - Exactly right.
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LTC David Brown
Great job on exposing Omar’s BS.
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
>1 y
There is plenty of it to expose. Why the democrats cannot police their rubbish is beyond me. Let's hope they pay for it in elections. I think they will.
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