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Responses: 2
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
Hysterics about consequences that won't happen and problems that are not problems aside, what the hell are our elected leaders thinking? Of all the many issues on the table that need solutions, what they come up with is hilarious in its inanity. None of this is getting through the House, much less the Senate, much less the Oval Office. We are wasting our time with legislation that is irrelevant in order to posture and score points with some constituency or another.
And they only got elected (or reelected) a few months ago.
WTF, Congress?!
Do something that matters. Anything that matters.
Comprehensive immigration reform, maybe? We seem to have forgotten all about those DACA kids.
How about ratifying our trade agreements?
Maybe work on the budget? (Crazy talk)
Figure out legislation on combatting opioids and their effect on Americans?
Maybe look into reducing the skyrocketing costs of health care?

While I'm on a rant, anyone besides me remember all of those crises we were having a few months or years ago?
Unarmed black people being shot by police.
White supremeciits taking over the streets.
The economy going into the tank.
DACA kids.
China trade war
Korea testing nukes/ missiles
Did Trump actually solve all of these things, or did we just change the subject because we were disingenuous about those subjects being important to the political class? i think both, depending on which one we're talking about.
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
>1 y
Will the Budget get completed by 1 Oct? Are any Congressional critters surprised that the budget is due 1 Oct? Please let the dumb critters raise their hand. (Note I did not ask Congressional Critters to raise their right or left hand, just A hand....did not want them confused.)
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint - No, the budget will not be done on 1 OCT.
Book it.
To my knowledge, none of the committees have even taken up budget bills. Too much work. If they wait until September, they can just shove it and whatever other nonsense they want into a continuing resolution bill.
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
>1 y
1SG (Join to see) - Last year Defense and most of the orgs except DHS and a few others were completed.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
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SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint - If memory serves, it was 8 of 15 appropriations bills that were completed on time. I don't think the democrats make that mistake again, because it took away their leverage.
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SFC Pete Kain
I believe he is mentally ill , not even going to try and follow the pandering maroons thought process, that road leads to madness.
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