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Responses: 3
SGT(P) Supply Sergeant (S4)
With a national debt of $22 trillion, we shouldn't even have a foreign aid budget!
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
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SFC George Smith
Most interesting...Thanks For The Share
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PVT Mark Zehner
Hahahaha! Funny article!
Wait she's probably serious!
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
Shouldn't be over there to begin with. Let them sort themselves out.
1stLt Steven P.
1stLt Steven P.
>1 y
PO3 Donald Murphy - And just what conflict have we ever been involved in that we "should have been in"? We cannot afford to be isolationist and must stand by those who stand by us. We need to keep our allies as safe as we want our lives to be or there won't be anyone to stand beside us when we need them.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
1stLt Steven P. - Well theres that old bugaboo that things don't pay for themselves. Do we want to be the world's policeman? If so, then UN be damned, bring back the draft and get back up to a 600 ship Navy again, 2 million Marines again, 100 fighter wings again, etc.

If not...

Then don't be isolationist, but be practical about what we do, when we do it and why we do it. We were pumping our own oil in May of 1967. Yet, for "oil reasons" we jumped into the Middle East. What ARE we there for? Who ARE we standing behind? Remember that Iraq was our ally prior to 1990. Israel is more than capable of looking after itself which Dubya found out to his chagrin. We pay them to "play nice". Why? That's what the UN is for. Let the UN go there - spend ITS money - and get Israel to play nice.
1stLt Steven P.
1stLt Steven P.
>1 y
I guess it all comes down to what you think the federal government is responsible for. In my humble opinion they are a lot fewer than we are paying for currently. My national priorities are:
National Defense, (including crypto and space)
Protection of the constitution (from the left and the right).
Leaving the states to do those things not specifically enumerated in the constitution. (See the 10th Amendment).
I agree the UN be damned. It hasn't done its job in so many cases (Crimea, most of Africa, South China Sea are only recent examples). I would cut it off from US funding and let it move its headquarters to some country that wants to be the host nation.
I would also love to stop all the international aide we give but figure that if we fine tune it to only support those are are TRUE allies then it might be worth it. You cannot buy friends but we are buying a better class of enemies.
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