Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
Great article! The Asia area has always been volitile so we need to be deligent
We used to have Balakatan In PI... Foul Eagle in ROK... and Cobra Gold In Thailand and all concentrated on the Possibility of Conflicts In The Entire Region
LTC Eric Udouj
We did - but the effort in other than Korea was never Division level focus.... since the two exercises in Korea took up that resource as well as CORPS level. But we also did not apply any focus on assaulting small islands before... nor the like items - with our regional partners. This folds in well with the Pacific Pathways as being the build up and train up in that coordination and working together..
Is this an expansion of training in addition to what we used to do in Korea, or is it a shifting of training out of Korea due to Trump's order to halt multicountry exercises in Korea in order to placate Kim? Are large exercises in Korea still shut down, or have we resumed them?
LTC Eric Udouj
Michael - that remains a question as to large scale in Korea exercises. But suspect that the days of large scale non-CPX type Exercises in Korea are now over... What will replace them in Korea - probably BDE and lower and still do a Combined CPX. We were resource stricken for years due to the two Korea exercises - so maybe the Great Leader manage to do us a favor.... and am sure the PRC is not happy.
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