Posted on Apr 14, 2019
Conservative Journalist Ejected From Bernie Sanders Rally for No Reason
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
Black Lives Matter protester attacked at Trump Rally
Video shows beginning of confrontation that led to protester Mercutio Southall, Jr. being attacked at Donald Trump rally.
So Kaitlin Bennett, the self-described ‘little girl’ who was deprived of her first amendment rights, got kicked out. At least she didn’t get the sh*t kicked out of her.
See video below. Mercutio Southall Jr. was practicing his first amendment rights. And he took a beating for doing so. And a crowd of thousands cheered as he got worked over. And what did then-Candidate Trump have to say about it?
“The man that was — I don’t know, you say “roughed up” — he was so obnoxious and so loud, he was screaming — I had 10,000 people in the room yesterday, 10,000 people, and this guy started screaming by himself. And I don’t know, “rough up” — he should have been, maybe he should have been roughed up. Because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing” —Candidate Trump. 22 NOV 2015
‘Bad behavior’, you say? Or is that just a politically correct term ‘peaceful (albeit loud) protest’. Which happens to protected by the first amendment. There’s a term for that. ‘Hypocrisy’.
I’m not defending the Sanders campaign. Booting a journalist on the opposing end of the spectrum is a weak move. It was wrong. But the manner in which they kicked her out is no worse than the manner in which numerous folks that have been kicked (often times, literally) out of Trump rallies for what you justify as ‘bad behavior’. Which often times, is actually no more than first amendment-protected forms of protest.
And Ms. Bennett, the ‘little girl’ who was so harmless. She’s half a clown, and that’s the good half. Would she have loudly protested? Who knows. But she has no issue being an Internet tough gal. I particularly enjoyed when she challenged David Hogg (another clown) to an arm wrestling match. She’s more of a publicity seeker than journalist. At least Mercutio Southall Jr. had the stones to protest in person and take his beating (first amendment suppression) like a man. Her fake indignation and appeal to her perceived physical weakness is manipulative, lazy and unfortunately, apparently effective.
To claim that left leaning folks have only been expelled for bad behavior is simply incorrect. Unless you believe that practicing one’s first amendment rights is ‘bad behavior’. There are different paths to achieve the same end destination of wrongly ejecting an opposing view from a rally.
Both are wrong.
See video below. Mercutio Southall Jr. was practicing his first amendment rights. And he took a beating for doing so. And a crowd of thousands cheered as he got worked over. And what did then-Candidate Trump have to say about it?
“The man that was — I don’t know, you say “roughed up” — he was so obnoxious and so loud, he was screaming — I had 10,000 people in the room yesterday, 10,000 people, and this guy started screaming by himself. And I don’t know, “rough up” — he should have been, maybe he should have been roughed up. Because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing” —Candidate Trump. 22 NOV 2015
‘Bad behavior’, you say? Or is that just a politically correct term ‘peaceful (albeit loud) protest’. Which happens to protected by the first amendment. There’s a term for that. ‘Hypocrisy’.
I’m not defending the Sanders campaign. Booting a journalist on the opposing end of the spectrum is a weak move. It was wrong. But the manner in which they kicked her out is no worse than the manner in which numerous folks that have been kicked (often times, literally) out of Trump rallies for what you justify as ‘bad behavior’. Which often times, is actually no more than first amendment-protected forms of protest.
And Ms. Bennett, the ‘little girl’ who was so harmless. She’s half a clown, and that’s the good half. Would she have loudly protested? Who knows. But she has no issue being an Internet tough gal. I particularly enjoyed when she challenged David Hogg (another clown) to an arm wrestling match. She’s more of a publicity seeker than journalist. At least Mercutio Southall Jr. had the stones to protest in person and take his beating (first amendment suppression) like a man. Her fake indignation and appeal to her perceived physical weakness is manipulative, lazy and unfortunately, apparently effective.
To claim that left leaning folks have only been expelled for bad behavior is simply incorrect. Unless you believe that practicing one’s first amendment rights is ‘bad behavior’. There are different paths to achieve the same end destination of wrongly ejecting an opposing view from a rally.
Both are wrong.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Candidates say daffy things all the time on the campaign trail. Trump is certainly one to do so.
Honestly unless they are really off their rocker, I think it humanizes them more.
Candidates say daffy things all the time on the campaign trail. Trump is certainly one to do so.
Honestly unless they are really off their rocker, I think it humanizes them more.
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