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Responses: 3
SGT Combat Engineer
A classical liberal who favors open borders does not oppose individual freedom, they just aren't a very intelligent classical liberal. So, open borders does not contradict classical liberalism directly. However, understanding that the legitimate role of government is the protection of the rights of the individual, then failing to enforce border controls is failure to protect the rights of the individual (example, the 9/11 attacks) and is therefore not a productive policy position for a classical liberal to adopt.

At the same time, for someone to oppose allowing immigration in its entirety, outside of a exceptional circumstances such as a global pandemic, would be inconsistent with classical liberalism.
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MSgt Michael Smith
Conjoined Twins, not Siamese. That's derogatory. And once again, you are posting BS propaganda. If you want to know what Democrats believe, then go talk to Democrats. I can tell you right now, reality is not what your silly cartoon videos say. Recognizing the overwhelming, institutionalized discrimination that Western civilization has realized is not Leftist, it's accepting of reality. This is what all of you crazies fail to see. I'm not attacking Western Civilization, that is futile. But I am going to live my life aware of reality and try to uplift other cultures around me.
LTC Self Employed
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It's not derogatory, it's inquisitive. Just like people think but the stereotypical Spanish person looks like Juan Valdez when I am one of them. People should have a thicker skin. It's not being derogatory and I thought that this video was informative and I was asking for people on your side of the aisle to give it some context. I have voted Democrat before so I can say that I have elements of being a Democrat. Unlike the climate change people today, I want minority opinions are come out and I want people to discuss them Pro and cons. I am not trying to say there is a right or wrong I'm just trying to see if this video makes sense. If I see something from Russian TV RT I don't immediately assume it's wrong just like if I read something in Mother Jones. I look at each and every story and I read it and value it on its merits and demerits. Thank you for your comments.
LTC Self Employed
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In my tag list, I pick people who I have discussed or had to scream as within the past because they are Democrats and I think people on the right who are conservatives so we have all kinds of people giving their input. This was not meant to be divisive, This was meant to be informative because Dennis prager's video made me think that they were one in the same. This was more of an education to conservatives and I wanted to see if there was any errors in Dennis prager's video. Dennis Prager used to be a Democrat. I also like this video of his and I know he's Jewish.
LTC Self Employed
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SSgt Joseph Baptist in your opinion, is Dennis Prager being factual? Is he wrong on anything in this video? This was not to criticize the
leftists/liberals as much as it was to figure out if he was right or wrong on the video?
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SSgt Joseph Baptist MSgt Michael Smith
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
I'd say they are realists!
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