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Responses: 3
CPT Jack Durish
I know it's politically incorrect to mention stories from Joel Chandler Harris's "Song of the South" (Uncle Remus stories) BUT one contains an important lesson for you. It's the story of Brer (Brother) Rabbit and the Tar Baby. I'll let you look up the story for yourself, but its lesson is that you should be careful whom you pick a fight with. You may be walking into a trap (and get stuck there). Arguing with propaganda such as this story from Reason. There is no truth in it, just traps. As you butt your head against the blind ideology it represents, you'll become (as Brer Rabbit did) emotional and only sink deeper into the quagmire. It's better to just ignore it and walk away...
LTC Thomas Tennant
LTC Thomas Tennant
2 y
CPT Jack Durish, wise advise but sometimes you can not help yourself. For me I will state my point and move on. There is a proverb that says in effect not to argue with a fool because you only elevate the fool in his own eyes.
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MCPO Roger Collins
Oh, for gosh sakes! Identity Politics is used by both sides. As long as it works, it will continue. Blame yourself if it moves you.
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LCDR Joshua Gillespie
This one gets awful close to what I'm terming the, "Third Rail". A long time ago, in a far away galaxy we had something called, "compromise"... now, we don't. It's difficult to say much beyond that without hitting my proverbial, "Third Rail", but suffice it to say (in an academic sense) that once a society has compromised on all possible areas of conflict, what remains are the areas in which compromise is no longer possible...only the chosen, or forced, dominance of one over the other.
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