Responses: 2
All socialist experiments have led to autocratic, repressive states that deprived their citizens of natural rights. Democracy itself tends towards self-destruction through demagogues who subvert constitutions and strive for self-serving authoritarianism. Democratic socialism would remove the republican safeguards that prevent demagogic takeover while increasing the riches of office — subvert the constitution, establish unilateral government control, and enjoy the spoils of all nationalized industries.
Tyranny begins with a promise and a smile -
Tyranny begins with a promise and a smile -
And we capitalist prone ‘subjects’ complain about money going to support socialist programs and we head out to a park that was built with l/o ccc funds (FDR program/socialist) left to the state and they decided to construct the state park.. I do laugh about it any way.. and we may as well enjoy it.. I enjoy capitalism but not to the point ofprivatising productive public parkland and putting condos on it..
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