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Responses: 6
SSG James Arlington
There are two types of Trump supporters; those who don't care, or fools.
CH (CPT) Adjunct History Professor
CH (CPT) (Join to see)
>1 y
I almost spit my diet soda out reading that one. That’s awesome. So True!
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SFC Pete Kain
and this is what grasping at straws looks like. You go girl
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
SFC Pete Kain - Several indicted and going to jail already, unlike the Obama administration.
SFC Pete Kain
SFC Pete Kain
>1 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - OK that made my eyes hurt they rolled so hard. Have you not been paying attention to what the DOJ and FBI have been up to?
After 2 years The President has not been found guilty of anything despite the MSM's best efforts .
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
>1 y
SFC Pete Kain - I see, so he must be innocent (even though numerous overlapping investigations have not yet concluded).

After several years and investigations, no indictment or even a criminal charge for Hillary (or anyone in the Obama administration), so she must be really innocent .

Ah, but then you will say the DOJ and FBI are crooked and all "Deep Statey". If that is the case, "provide evidence, indict and try" may not be the standard you want to use. If it is, the only evidence, indictments, and trails are for those in the Trump admin. Maybe you feel Trump is too aloof to have any idea of what was going on with his people. Possible; The guy is an idiot, which is why he represents his supporters so well.

You keep chasing your tail if you like.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
SFC Pete Kain Wasting your time with losers crying in their Kool Aid. Bunch of sick puppies here.
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SSgt Owner/Operator
The hypocrisy lands squarely with we the people. We elected them knowing full well they were not Boy Scouts.

As far as the article: I am going to write a story based on another publications story and have no idea if any due diligence was done. There is a LOT of supposition in the writing. Not defending Trump. If he is guilty, consequences should be had. The same is true of ALL politicians.
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