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SPC Robert Conway
"Who used abortion to control the black population of America."

Do you even notice the hypocrisy when it comes flying out of your keyboard? Or do you just not care as long as you can flog some liberal?

You don't have to like Planned Parenthood, I wouldn't expect you to if you are so rabidly anti-choice, but at least do a minimum of research on a person before you accuse them of genocide, is that really to much to ask?

That you would do so in accompaniment to an attempt at false outrage is just beyond comprehension.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
6 y
GySgt John Olson - Isn't it amazing that the popular thing to do nowadays is compare the left with Nazis, which is 180 degrees off?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
6 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Why? ANTIFA is acting precisely the way Hitler's Brown Shirts acted and for the same purpose. Socialism is the fundamental ideology of the Left (as it was with Hitler's Nazism). The comparison seems very apt to me.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
6 y
Try having a little courage and look at the facts. Here's an article from Time that you should enjoy. Time, of course, is not a particularly reliable source from my point of view, and here it makes a valiant attempt to interpret the facts as you might to dispel any notion that Margaret Sanger wanted to use eugenics to control the black population. Just, keep in mind that it is their interpretation, not mine. What becomes obvious is that reasonable people can disagree (whether or not you allow them to). Sadly, the ideology that you appear to embrace is not tolerant of such debate and you always turn to personnel insults when ever confronted with my "disturbing" posts. I, on the other hand, tend to spend more time reading those with whom I disagree looking for honest challenges to my opinions, to either mitigate them or strengthen them. You should try it...
SPC Robert Conway
SPC Robert Conway
6 y
CPT Jack Durish Thank you for the read, what a surprise you don't agree with it and instead stand with a man like Ted Cruz, who values women so highly that he carries water for the ignoramous who took shots at his wife. Great example of a hypocrite, which is what my original point was.

Your original article spoke of a black man speaking plainly and bluntly to his American experience, and that somehow hurt your feelings instead giving you a chance to recognize his pain.

Then, in lashing out at him you tenuously connect Nazis to choice advocates and family planners.

You really don't see the hypocrisy there?
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