Posted on Feb 8, 2019
WSJ writer slams Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal, says it looks like Dem parody bill
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 7
I think the mocking got to her, Occasional-Cortex pulled the green deal page. I think even she realizes how stupid the new green deal is! The renewable energy cost problems suffered by Ontario also occured in Georgetown Texas. So America be really stupid and think this garbage will work for you when it continuely fails elsewhere. Remember Obama’s green energy initiatives? Cost tax payers $ billions. I wish Obama had invested his own money instead of ours.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
It also is going on in Massachusetts, our bill look like the Ontario bill except ours is monthly instead of Bi monthly like theirs is. This cap is also called Green Initiative instead of just calling it the rip off and theft from the consumers it actually is ! I'm using less electricity and paying more than double what I used to a years ago. What is going on in both Canada and the US is a complete disgrace and way out of control !
Sounds like your daughters are well prepared and experienced to become Democrat politicians. I’d recommend sending them to any of our Blue metropolitan areas to start their promising careers. Just have them start at any local bar and soon they to will be experts in all fields of study.
Hell if you tried to implement what she wanted we would need the GDP of the entire planet just for the U.S. plus some of the other stuff she listed. Do away with air travel, provide aid to those who don't want to work, how is that going to work. 90% of the country would end up on that list because why would you work. All the rich people would move to some tropical paradise because she would tax them into poverty. She is a walking mouth piece but her brain seems to be functioning on a part time basis.
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