Posted on Jan 31, 2019
The ridiculous anatomy of most Army Reserve drill days
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 6
This guy found a Reserve unit that does PT? What?
When do they find time for the two hour training meeting on Saturday morning?
When do they find time for the two hour training meeting on Saturday morning?
Always thought the grass was greener in different units. After my 3rd unit I realized it was all the same. This post just proves it even more. But you can’t forget the Sunday leadership teleconference that starts at 1630, goes until 1800, has no bearing on the troops for that day, but has to be completed before anyone is released...but standby in the formation area cause “the commander will be right there...”
It is always an adventure. From the end of the previous drill, wondering if anything was accomplished, to receiving the training schedule for the next weekend, filled with the hopes and dreams of the US Army Reserve. Arriving at O'dark thirty to see some of the same familiar faces, new people who have just started and are confused as to what to do and where to stand, and of course the random soldier who has been in the unit for seven years who decided to show up for the first time in months. First formation to see who is there and the plethora of uniform types (deployed, Digital, OCP, old and new). The officers in the back, holding their cups of coffee, hoping not to be tasked with anything so they can catch up on their email or facebook. The acting 1SG (selected at the last minute as the usual acting 1SG (there are only a few E8's around in the whole Reserve) has a kid at home with the chickenpox) explains that the schedule has changed for the day, as higher has mandated that the unit complete some sort of online training. The collective groan from the unit as this means standing around waiting to get to one of only three working computers in the building. The call for hip pocket training and assignment of roles to the Specialists and SGT's, who begin every session with 'I was just assigned this topic this morning, so forgive me. At least we don't have a power-point' or 'we have an older power-point, lets see how out of date it is'. The platoon leaders spend the morning on the phone calling those who didn't show up and to write up the many counselling statements 'Well you see, my car didn't start this morning...', 'But you live next door to SPC Goober, and he could have given you a ride', 'Oh yeah man, uhmmm, I forgot I also had an appointment today', 'Is it with LHI because you are 6 months behind', 'Uhhh, no, I still have to do that' times ten. To Lunch, where the officers take off en mass to go eat, while everyone else has what is made by the kitchen, portion size is determined by your place in line and the fight for seconds is the only PT of the day. It is more or less the same every day. About once or twice a year, the stars align, we get to do some training that is worthwhile and fun, and re slightly remember why it is we are in the Reserves.
SSG (Join to see) weekend it’ll be a MUTA 6. We’re going to the range which is about a two hour drive. Other than the weapons being taken by military vehicle, everyone else travels by bus, you know like a Greyhound bus which has to be reserved a couple of months before the actual date. God bless whoever rented those buses because there’s room for almost every soldier to sit by themselves, sprawl out and well....take a nap. Show time is 0400, departure time is 0730 after formation. Commercial luggage litters the tarmac because you know, it’s like the unit is going to the field for a month. No such thing as throwing a two night set of ACUs along with some undies and a toothbrush in your issued duffel bag. After figuring out what to do with the new DEPs who of course had no prior knowledge of the weekends events and waiting for stragglers we head off at 0900. Busses are loaded with brightly colored bags and people, headcount is taken and away we go. We arrive at the range after stopping at truck stop for breakfast and, get situated. Formation is at 1300. Ok cool. Acting 1SG calls fall in at 1300. He grimaced because he notices that 1/3 of the unit have their soft caps on ACH. Don’t worry he says, we won’t be firing this weekend. Whoever is in charge of ordering the ammo, forgot to do so and the NG unit that is there to also do their qualms is not giving up any of theirs. It’s fun spending a MUTA6 at the range with no ammo.
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