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Responses: 4
LTC David Brown
There is context to EVERYTHING. One of the things that bothers me is people refuse to understand history and context. Unless you have some understanding you can interpret everything so it offends you. Get a grip.
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SCPO Investigator
Hell, I know at least three Shriners who are members of their local Shrine Temple, who are black men, Masons, and they wear white face make-up. Lord Almighty, what should I do???????????
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MSgt Michael Smith
I don't know if you read the whole article or not. I actually looked up the article and the person who wrote it. He's actually an Air Force Vet. Although I don't agree with his desire to remove the photo, the point of the article is that regardless of intent, different people interpret things differently. There is no absolute in expression. I 100% agree with that. It's time that people realize that just because your behaviors are acceptable within your own social group, that my no means makes them universal --and it doesn't make people who are offended 'SNOWFLAKES'. Personally I'm offended by all the Jesus bullshit shoved down my throat everywhere I do. Does that mean I have a right rant and rave about it and insult Christians? Of course not.
PO1 John Johnson
PO1 John Johnson
>1 y
1. I did read the article in it's entirety, before making my post. 2. The fact that the author is an Air Force Vet is immaterial to my post or the author's article. 3. The author is offended by an old photograph of coal miners enjoying a beer taken after a hard day's of work in the coal mines. That they have coal dust covering their face means the photo was taken before they had a chance to wash up before heading home or maybe they just went home that dirty. It does not mean that they were attempting to mock Black People, nor does it mean by having the photo displayed in their bar, the owners of the bar are mocking Black People. 4. Even though I am not even remotely Religious, I refuse to be offended by any overzealous religious proselytizer as I know I can walk away or not listen. The US Constitution states in Amendment 1 that we have "Freedom of Religion", not "Freedom From Religion", a fact sorely missed by too many people. Ignore the "Jesus BS" (your words), that's all I can say to you. If you don't, then you are making it your choice to be offended. 5. Of course you DO have the right to rant and rave, and insult Christians; it's also covered in Amendment 1: "Freedom of Speech". Beware that no one is required to listen to you if you do, another fact sorely missed by too many.
MSgt Michael Smith
MSgt Michael Smith
>1 y
PO1 John Johnson - Well then by your own words this person has the right to be offended at this picture, as well as the right to publish an article about it. Likewise you have the right to disagree with him and write about it as well. My point still stands --different groups have different values and none are necessarily right or wrong.
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