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Responses: 3
MAJ Corporate Buyer
I don't think anyone is telling them that their service isn't wanted. They're telling them that their service can't be used. Much like the guy with no arms or legs who really really wants to serve his country, he can't. He'd be too much of a liability. Now, I'm not saying that all transgendered people are going to be too much of a liability. But, there is evidence that supports that these guys and gals typically have a lot of metal and emotional issues that could make them more of a hindrance to the military than an asset. Did I say all of them? No. Did I say it's a proven fact? No. I said there's evidence to support it and the military should not overlook it to keep from hurting someone's feelings. Roughly 30 percent (female) to 50 percent (male) of transgender adolescents attempt suicide. That statistic alone makes this an issue worth looking into.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
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SSgt Addison R. - I thought I was clear when I said "Now, I'm not saying that all transgendered people are going to be too much of a liability." Or what about when I said "Did I say all of them? No. Did I say it's a proven fact? No" Doesn't that seem to indicate that the statistics don't apply to every single person and that I'm not making a blanket statement against all transgender people?

No doubt that statistics can be twisted. But do you have any to refute the ones about the suicide rate? I looked at several different sites that gave similar numbers. These sites were both pro and against. So I'm guessing they're pretty accurate. But if you have other data, please provide.

And again, I never said transgender people can't serve. I said it's worth looking into. The military is already dealing with too many veteran suicides to actively enlist groups of people with an already high tendency to commit such. It's not being illogical and it's not being mean.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
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SSgt Addison R. Well that's good to hear and I hope your experience is representative of all trans people (for their sake, regardless of gov't bans etc ). That's just the sort of thing that needs to be worked through. No doubt our country has two diverse sides who are eagerly trying to push different, oftentimes opposite agendas. It can be hard for anyone to separate fact from fiction. And I'm sure each side uses both. Hopefully for the sake of all concerned the right decision is made here.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
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SSgt Addison R. I agree with you on the surgery part. That has been an issue I've discussed with others. I also agree with treating each person on an individual basis an each case can be completely different. Unfortunately, with the job the military has to do, that isn't always possible.
SSgt Boyd Herrst
SSgt Boyd Herrst
>1 y
If I were still in and had a ‘T’ in the contingency .. and am trying to lead 18 other cooks to get meals out and we got possible ‘incoming’. and I got a kid that has just went ‘snowflake’on me and can’t handle the pressure .. I could handle it but it’s taking from my ability to better care of my part of the mission ...
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MSG Frank Kapaun
Invalids and the mentally handicapped want to serve too. Should they be allowed to? While we are at it, why don’t the powers that be just throw all standards for enlistment out the window? Why stop at transgender, do away with other barriers to enlistment such as age, a low ASVAB score, a criminal record.
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SSgt Boyd Herrst
Can’t give any credence to rolling stone mag. Just another part of the leftwing ‘lame stream’ media...
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