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Responses: 7
MSG Stan Hutchison
I just think it was very fortunate this did not get more intense and lead to violence. They were close.
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SGT Jim Arnold
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CPT Jack Durish
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Maj John Bell - I never said that they didn't have the right to do it. If, however, they do it and then whine about the consequences from their own racist actions, I'm not going to have any sympathy. Especially not after evidence has come out showing a history or pattern of racism in the past from that school, including allowing the students to attend games in black face when playing an opponent that has a significant black student body. Blackface, the tomahawk chop, the smirk, it all shows an indication of racism. As one article put it:

"Because let’s make no mistake: By virtue of wearing MAGA hats, those teens are demonstrating that they embrace racist ideology. Furthermore, the video clearly shows them miming tomahawk chops and mimicking Phillips’s chanting in a way that could only be construed as mockery. And then too, it seems that Covington Catholic High School has a documented history of racism, including, per the New York Daily News, condoning students wearing blackface at basketball games and shouting at and “verbally abusing” black players on opposing teams."

So yes, John, they have freedom of speech to be racist and misogynistic (the reason that they were in DC to begin with). And the way we address that type of speech, hateful as it is, is to confront it and say that we don't like that speech, that it is not an American value, that society will make them pay a price for that type of speech.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - He smiled, anyone EVER in the military seen someone getting their ass handed to them who couldn't stop smiling? Particulary young recruits in boot camp?

"Because let’s make no mistake: By virtue of wearing MAGA hats, those teens are demonstrating that they embrace racist ideology." *****Road Apples!*****

Longer versions of the video later emerged that showed Phillips approaching the students as members of a group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites shouted insults, some of them sexual in nature, at the students. Phillips said he was trying to get between the groups to defuse the tension. Source - Cincinnati Enquirer Published 10:37 p.m. ET Jan. 22, 2019


What did young Mr. Sandmann say that was racist and misogynistic?

Finally fans scream at opposing players. Its part of the"home team advantage." Are you saying the players aren't strong enough to take it?
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Maj John Bell - It is very simple. Blackface is a racist gesture towards African Americans. The tomahawk chop is a racist gesture towards American Indians.


Do they have a First Amendment right to wear blackface, do the chop, and wear MAGA hats? Absolutely.

You have the right to support them and their racist gestures, just as I and others have the right to call them out as racists. I'm disappointed that you're acting as an apologist for their actions, and I have noted that you have not tried to defend the tomahawk chop.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - I have the ability to laugh at myself.

I am the son of a legal immigrant from Mexico. I miss the Frito Bandito and all of the social justice whiners who ran him off the TV, or are offended can kiss the Mexican half of my butt. I am also part Irish, and I believe that God created alcohol to stop us from taking over the world. Anyone who doesn't like that joke can kiss the Irish side of my butt.

And yes, I have had people actually hold my "heritage" against me. My paternal Grandfather was the most racist SOB I've ever met, or seen portrayed by Hollywood. I had no name with him, I was always "wetback number 3. I have an older brother and sister. My maternal grandmother told me that I was likely to end up the way most Irish men do, face down drowned in my own whiskey laden vomit. As adults when she served wine or beer with a meal, there was none for me and my brother. She told everyone we were "Irish and predisposed" to be alcoholics. My brother and I would then break into loud faux drunken drinking songs.

I don't think that sports mascots are insults, they are caricatures/icons that people choose to represent themselves, rally around, and cheer for. Those caricatures give them for a few hours a common bond. The Kansas City Chiefs, The Atlanta Braves, The Washington Redskins, Chief Wahoo, and the FSU Seminoles were not selected at mascots out of disrespect. They are rallying icons. I would be greatly honored if some football team put a caricature of me, on their helmets, essentially Elmer Fudd and a goat. And just for you Greg, I'd be bearing a gigantic cross that keeps ruining my life.

I don't know what was going through those kids heads and neither do you. A surprisingly large number of College students/graduates cannot tell you who we fought in WWII. Do you really think these high school kids know what a minstrel show or blackface is? Yet you want to put them in the stocks and hurl rotten produce at them (figuratively). In all the video I've seen of the event, it is't even a common gesture through the boys, it doesn't really get any traction.

I don't think that the Tomahawk chop is any more or less offensive than your very deliberate choice of the word "delusional" when you talk about religious faith. It is either a joke, or it is a deliberate attempt to offend. Most jokes have a butt. If someone is the butt of a joke, it depends on the spirit in which it is told; and whether or not the teller has correctly estimated his position to the audience. Since when have teenage boys had good judgment?

I would not hesitate to participate in a tomahawk chop and chant cheer at a Cleveland Indians game, but I wouldn't do it at an AIM protest. I go to Traverse City Beach Bum Games in Hawaiian Shirt, Shorts, flip flops and every time one of the Bums hits a homer we all sing "Wasted Away in Margaritaville" I haven't had a single Key West Floridian confront me yet.

I keep waiting for the Georgia Bulldogs to come up with a Bulldog fart cheer. Ever spent anytime around a Bulldog? Farts and Bulldog stories...everybody has at least one and some of them are true. That doesn't mean people hate Bulldogs if they fart at a Georgia Football game.
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