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Responses: 4
SSG(P) Senior Driver/ Protocol Nco
Do what is right no matter what the consequences are. The truth always wins in the end. Strive to know rules, laws, and regulations so that you are not faced with theses moral dilemmas.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
Always do the right thing. Period. However the right thing for the institution may not be the right thing, due to the impact on the individuals. Likewise, the right thing for the individuals may not be the right thing, die to the impact on the institution. Or any number of other variables.

But, at the end of the day, once all factors have been counted and accounted for, there is still a "right thing," or at least a "most right thing," and that is the thing you do. You do this regardless of the cost, but not ignorant of it either. And then you execute, with the full confidence of your convictions.
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MSG Andrew Whitish
In many of the leadership classes I have attended throughout the years there is always a section that dances around the topic of Moral/Ethical Dilemmas. The infamous OER/NCOER is what weigh heavy on the minds of soldiers/officers. Go along to get along and survive a rotation in a bad situation lest you be sacrificed for your view. In my position I am a proverbial fly on the wall. I am afforded the opportunity to observe situations in the unit from all sides, The SIX to the PVT. I see very little change from years past as to true ethical leadership. Those who express an alternate opinion are soon labeled and culled. Rarely do I see anyone standing up and pointing out that king has no clothes.
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