The United States once again shows it has the best healthcare system that money can buy, assuming, of course, you have the money. The people who do come to the US for healthcare do so because they have the financial means to pay for it. Unfortunately for most Americans they are one major health crisis away from losing everything. Our system remains broken for most people and it started to so be as soon as we moved to a for profit system. The widening financial gap between the haves and the have not continues to exacerbate the issue.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, for profit companies over time will move to the profit maximizing price for a service. If you have no choice but to purchase that service then the profit maximizing price is everything you own. Unsurprisingly we have watched the US healthcare system move in that direction.
Why? Because a bunch of people don't understand the assumptions behind the supply and demand model they saw in Econ 101 but still fancy themselves economists. The people benefiting from their misunderstanding have been laughing all the way to the bank.