Posted on Dec 12, 2018
Air Force Missed 6 Chances to Stop Gunman in Texas Church Shooting From Buying Weapons, U.S. Says...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
SMSgt Thor Merich
Nope. It’s a DOD wide issue. DOD didn’t have the assets or the priorities in place to prevent this. It’s basically a record keeping/data entry issue. Civilian police departments have employees whose sole purpose is to update and maintain the records. DOD expects the investigators to also handle the records tracking. They are overworked and understaffed. Supposedly the AF has addressed the issue, but I have not seen any real changes yet.
SPC Gary Welch
SMSgt Thor Merich I see what your saying I hope they fix the system so this stuff needs to stop
How difficult would it be to add a script to the forms, that would, upon saving and closing, ask "Fwd to F.B.I."
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