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Responses: 3
MSG Stan Hutchison
Edited 6 y ago
Now, where did the NRA get the $30 million it donated to Trump? All they would say was it came from an organization that did not have to revel it's sources. Butina? Russia maybe?

Follow the money!!!!!
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CW3 Harvey K.
Hmmm. It seems the lady was pro-gun, pro-Russian individual liberty in Russia, and (necessarily) anti-Putin. A dictator always fears an armed populace.
"Officials have long resisted any significant liberalization of gun laws in Russia, where opinion polls [polls taken how, and by whom?] have shown a largely dim view of making firearms more accessible to the public.
"I am deeply convinced that the free flow of firearms will bring a great harm and represents a great danger for us," President Vladimir Putin, then Russia's prime minister, said in 2011."
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
6 y
MSG Stan Hutchison - Especially if it means more control over their own people, as well as discord in the USA. A double win.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
6 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - That doesn't agree with the info provided by thinkprogress.org, or did they get their facts wrong?.

"Why would Putin allies build a grassroots non-profit to loosen Russia’s gun laws, rather than just enact them? (*) Experts who spoke to ThinkProgress say they are not sure, but they discussed whether the whole arrangement is a cover for a larger effort to undermine American sanctions against Russia.

A meeting in Moscow
On December 11, 2015, in the depths of a biting Moscow winter, The Right to Bear Arms [Russian gun-rights for Russians] hosted a delegation from its American counterpart, the NRA."

(*) Perhaps they want to find out who those "troublemakers" are, who dare to oppose the Putin administration view on keeping the Russian people disarmed. So they solicit members in an organization with the goal of gun-rights in Russia, to get that information.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
6 y
LTC Eugene Chu - Major, have you any further information that would refute the existence of a supposedly Putin sponsored gun-rights movement in Russia, for Russians, identified as "The Right to Bear Arms", as reported in thinkprogress.org ?
Perhaps I relied on a biased, unreliable source for that pertinent fact.
CW3 Harvey K.
CW3 Harvey K.
6 y
MSgt Steve Sweeney - Who was behind that Russian RKBA advocacy group? According to ThinkProgress, it was "Putin allies". ThinkProgress asks the question "Why". It seems unnecessary to organize a grassroots movement to "liberalize gun laws" when Putin could have done so legislatively. But of course an armed populace is something that Putin, like all "control freaks" of his ilk, fears, and does NOT want to see from any source of change.

It was December of 2015 that the Moscow meeting of the NRA and its Russian counterpart "The Right to Bear Arms" occurred. If they were a "defunct" or "liquidated" organization then, they must have made quite a show of being a vibrant, active organization.

As noted by MAJ Chu, the Russians are unconcerned with OUR 2nd Amendment rights, but I'm sure they are very concerned about keeping the Russian people unarmed. Putin and allies appear to have set up this gun-rights organization for a two-fold purpose; to get an opening wedge and establish contacts in our government, and also to find out who in Russia dares to oppose the "gun free" policy of Putin et al.

As I noted, a "double win" for Putin.
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SPC David S.
Edited 6 y ago
Paul Erickson, NRA and a so called romantic relationship with a Russian women. Curious if she is really into Paul or is just working him. Russia dumping money into the NRA in 2016 would not surprise me. Much like how the Clinton foundation supposedly found ways to illicit illegal campaign contributions via the Clinton Foundation the NRA and other bundles should have to report were the money is coming from. But as its the politicians making the rules - not surprised that transparency is lacking as well. Easy to fix if indeed they wanted it fixed.
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