Posted on Nov 24, 2018
Once Donald Trump Leaves Office, We’ll Be Screwed Over Again – Black & Blonde Media
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
Yeah if a Republican is elected. Someone had to clean up Bush's economic disaster remember
SSgt Ray Stone
SN (Join to see) Yes Clinton left Bush a surplus in which he created a deficit. And yet Repubs call themselves party of fiscal responsibility. Google it ...but I'm sure you won't cause you're afraid of the truth
SN (Join to see)
SSgt Ray Stone In 1992, Clinton ran and mocked "Read my lips, no new taxes" George H.W. Bush and won running on not raising taxes. In 1993, Clinton broke that promise and raised taxes the highest ever (at that time). In 1994, Clinton was punished by losing both the House and Senate (for the first time in 40 years). It was under a Republican House and Senate, Clinton discovered fiscal responsibility. I'm not afraid of the truth. I actually know it without having to refer to Google as a lifeline, so careful assuming what I won't do just because YOU say so.
SSgt Ray Stone
SN (Join to see) Did he not leave Bush a surplus. In which Bush tanked with two unjust wars. Obama as said before cleaned up Bush's mess,which is the economy Trump is falsely claiming. I will give Trump credit for admitting he lied about improving African american employment numbers lol
SN (Join to see)
SSgt Ray Stone You assumed I wouldn't tell the truth, gave you an answer you don't like so it's back to asking questions ending with "lol"...?
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