France Kicks Islamist Ass
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France Kicks Islamist Ass
When the United States and its allies invaded Iraq in early 2003, France famously objected—and refused to join the coalition occupying force.
Paris’ objection to the war provoked U.S. Congressman Walter Jones, a North Carolina Republican, to sponsor a bill requiring the capitol cafeteria to rename french fries as “freedom fries.”
But France only opposed the 2003 Iraq war because, well, it had nothing to do with Islamic militancy and only further destabilized the region, resulting in more terrorism.
In fact, Paris has deployed forces across the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa for years—alone and in coalitions—in an escalating global campaign targeting radical Islamists.
On Jan. 7, militants struck back. But that’s unlikely to dissuade the French. Indeed, ...
[EDITORIAL COMMENT:- You know, there's something strangely appealing about someone who refuses to start a war because it is the wrong war, at the wrong time, in the wrong place, against the wrong people, and for the wrong reasons.]
PS - The reason why the French government refused to join in the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq didn't really get much play in the media, did it. In fact, I'd be surprised if that reason got 1% of the play that "Freedom Fries" did.