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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Key Words in this Sentence "Trump Says". We All Know How Truthful the "President" is.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Capt Dwayne Conyers
6 y
Pinocchio would be able to touch the moon with his nose...
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Edited 6 y ago
At least we know what President Trump says, and I believe he is more truthful that all other presidents in my lifetime except one. I believe he has spoken more with the media and people than any President I can remember. I still don't understand all the interest in a foreign national who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. How many deaths was he responsible for when he was a member of the Brotherhood? and who was killed? Turkey is also not an innocent babe in the woods either... At the end of the day this is just the media and haters of the President using any opportunity to destroy him; in this case its the court of public opinion... and we know how truthful they are with Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh... need I say more, I can go on for hours with examples of the deceit of the media and haters, but I believe everyone can see them for what they are.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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6 y
Capt Nick Schwartz - The Toronto Star… Who the hell are they?!?! OK. I stopped laughing. Let’s get serious. I tried to look up Daniel Dale on the internet, an honest evaluation of who he is. I basically got 2 pages of anti-President Trump stuff, and not much else. Sorry I just didn’t have it in me to go to the 3rd page, it was starting to go to different names anyway. One site said it was Wikipedia but when I clicked on it was just fluff about how great Mr. Dale is and listed all his awards (I think they listed some high school stuff). OK. I stopped laughing again.

Sir, when you reference people you should reference respectable people, not hacks. OK… serious: I personally looked at many statements (I don’t rely on 3rd parties as reliable) against President Trump over the last 2 years. In 99.9% of the time I found a kernel of truth twisted to feed red meat to the Progressive Socialists who are trying to take over our country by any means necessary!!! I DON’T NEED NO STINIKNG ARTICLE TO TELL ME WHAT I SEE AND HEAR EVERY DAY (My take off on we don’t need any stinking badges, it didn’t come out too well. :) Back to serious again Sir: Look, Listen, Learn. Don’t rely on mine numbing hacks. There’s enough information out there for us to make our own minds up. That's the best advise I can give.

The only question I have for you Sir: Are you better off now, than 4 years ago? Think about that for awhile, then make your own mind up.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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6 y
Capt Nick Schwartz - Sir, who wants a government by one person with absolute power? Nobody in their right mind. I respectively submit you need to look more honestly at our country’s recent history by both parties before you make your mind up about anything: the accumulation of power to spy on US Citizens (Bush), elected officials (HRC) who illegally created infrastructure to hide their communications for personal gain, illegal activities (BHO) by DOJ and FBI executive appointed staff “that” interfered in national elections and favor one political party.

Before you poke your Country in the eye any further, please look at the truthful, verified situations I just described. The way I see it they are all so scared of President Trump, they will do anything to be rid of him… lying is the least of it. The truth will always set you free Sir!!!
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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6 y
Capt Nick Schwartz - Sir, insulting people is no way to win friends and influence people… I read and listen to all media, and then make up my mine. I am an independent thinker. Are you? I ask you reconsider looking at the truth in what I explained; if you can’t identify the differences in the situations you are speaking about vs. what I conveyed: you are lost for good.

In any case it appears we will have to “agree” to “disagree”. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you have a great Christmas! Take Care Capt. Schwartz.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
Capt Nick Schwartz - Sir, You are speaking all over the place in different directions. It is a typical trick of the Left to deflect when they are losing an argument… and it doesn't work on me. I will remember you in my evening prayers.
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