Posted on Nov 19, 2018
FBI now classifies far-right Proud Boys as 'extremist group', documents say
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Good, these people are idiots. Question: Is Antifa also on the list? Asking for a friend.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
CMSgt (Join to see) I Don't Think ANTIFA has called for the closure of all prisons, the issuing of firearms to everyone, the legalization of all drugs, the deportation of all immigrants and the shutdown of the government or spouted anything anti-semitic.
CMSgt (Join to see)
Inside violent anarchist group Antifa
The anti-fascism-or Antifa-movement has been around for a century, but in the wake Donald Trump's election they've recently been garnering more attention. Th...
The FBI defines terrorism as "The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (28 C.F.R.)"
My bad, not extremist, terrorist. It is mind-boggling to me that someone would have no problem identifying 'Proud Boys' as extremist but somehow give Antifa a pass. I could care a less about their ideology, it's their behavior that worries me. I view white supremacist as trash and every one of them arrested makes our streets safer but using violence as a platform from any group is me.
I hope we can at least agree on this point.
My bad, not extremist, terrorist. It is mind-boggling to me that someone would have no problem identifying 'Proud Boys' as extremist but somehow give Antifa a pass. I could care a less about their ideology, it's their behavior that worries me. I view white supremacist as trash and every one of them arrested makes our streets safer but using violence as a platform from any group is me.
I hope we can at least agree on this point.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Antifa is pro democracy. The last guy, the gop, and the proud boys are what again-Fascists.
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