Posted on Nov 6, 2018
Home Resident Killed by Maryland Police Trying Confiscate His Guns
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
These laws should be struck down by the Supreme Court since they assume guilt, which is not how our system is supposed to work. Anyone can make an accusation, just because they don't like guns. What in the second Amendment, regarding "shall not be infringed" do they not understand. It sounds like this will be one of the tactics by the anti gun crowd to attempt to disarm the country.
While I understand the safety concern - there are other parts of the law that look to be infringing. Anyone ever convicted of domestic violence now have to give up their guns in Maryland under this new law. Not supporting domestic violence just very curious as to the threshold of how a violent crime is determined.
As it seems according to the law - its determined by the individual being threatened or assaulted. As well some domestic violence cases are simple, 2nd degree, and not 1st degree aggravated assaults. I'm very curious how this will trickle down to other - violent and non violent convictions. Looks as if we are headed in the direction of showing poor judgement equals hand over your guns.
Interesting that no one wants to legislate state required psych exams knowing that 2/3rd of all gun fatalities are suicides. The other 1/3 is in large part related to criminal behavior with the use of firearms being covered by state and federal laws.
Last I checked crazy people have rights too or at least thought they did.
As it seems according to the law - its determined by the individual being threatened or assaulted. As well some domestic violence cases are simple, 2nd degree, and not 1st degree aggravated assaults. I'm very curious how this will trickle down to other - violent and non violent convictions. Looks as if we are headed in the direction of showing poor judgement equals hand over your guns.
Interesting that no one wants to legislate state required psych exams knowing that 2/3rd of all gun fatalities are suicides. The other 1/3 is in large part related to criminal behavior with the use of firearms being covered by state and federal laws.
Last I checked crazy people have rights too or at least thought they did.
This is wrong on so many levels its hard to say just where to start. Does this individual have any record at all? Was he on the local PD watch list? I think he was a normal gun owning American and someone didn't like it so they called him into the local PD.
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