Posted on Oct 31, 2018
LGBTQ Americans will not be counted in the 2020 U.S. Census after all
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
That title is very inflammatory. NBC is definitely trying to get a reaction with this one. They are still counted in the Census it is just that sexual orientation and gender identity data is not being collected.
If you want to broach the question if it should be collected, I don't believe it should. There are no federal programs or services offered based on who one is attracted to, and any such program would be against federal equal opportunity programs. It would just be another metric used to classify people. I will give name address and number of people in the household as required.
If you want to broach the question if it should be collected, I don't believe it should. There are no federal programs or services offered based on who one is attracted to, and any such program would be against federal equal opportunity programs. It would just be another metric used to classify people. I will give name address and number of people in the household as required.
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After reading both articles, I will say my current opinion has not changed. I do think that HUD should pass the anti-discrimination rule and the census bureau should have finished the evaluation. Federal policies have already added sexual orientation as a protected class for discrimination. So if we treat people like people and do not discriminate there is no reason to classify people. But I do know that that is optimism.
So LGBTQ are not considered AMCITS, or at least having status as a group that is tracked? Didn't know this.
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