Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 5
LTC (Join to see)
The problem is that progressives don't like him saying that open borders are a clear and present danger. It's possible there may be a couple International terrorist operatives who jumped into the bandwagon somewhere between Honduras and Guatemala entering into Mexico but I doubt it would be like a platoon size element of terrorist types. This is an election time and maybe he's trying to counteract the bad publicity of these few thousand poor people trying to get into United States. I remember a few months ago seeing the protests on both sides of San you Cedro along the seawall where you had immigrants rights activist chanting like anti-fascists against the police line on the beach and you had people on the wall taunting the police still on the Mexican side. I believe it's President Trump trying to shore up his base to diffuse the increase in bleeding heart Democrats who want to vote because they think that President Trump is in human. Operation gatekeeper came under President Clinton or he sent National Guard to the borders of many states facing Mexico. This is nothing new except President Trump has the use of federal troops so Governor Jesuits Sanctuary who gives free college tuition to illegal aliens Jerry Brown of California won't order his National Guard to help. It may be a sense of coincidence from Honduras or it could be just in time for the November election. I go to Honduras and El Salvador yearly and it is very poor fourth world. I think the media is giving them more attention than they should have. But there is always the possibility infiltrators joining the group of salvadorians, Hondurans and Guatemalans walking and hitching rides on their way to the US border.
This may resonate with those that label themselves as "White nationalist."
What's wrong with being a Nationist?
Nothing - with people coming here intent on changing our country?
They're nationalistic too but not our nation - so we're not wrong.
Nothing - with people coming here intent on changing our country?
They're nationalistic too but not our nation - so we're not wrong.
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