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Responses: 4
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
Drastic move (as quoted in the article)? I don't know. Could it make our fighting forces more mission capable? Maybe, it depends on the mission of the unit and the needs of the Transgender. There are no easy answers.
CPL(P) Civilian Driver
CPL(P) (Join to see)
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - SFC, inherent in your use of the word "nature" is the fact of the matter. We've come a long way in our science, to the point that some folks revere it and use the term as a religion, but nature is bigger than all of this and it is what determines if a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
CPL(P) (Join to see) - These days people sometimes read too much into words… to the point where one loses context. I believe my statement about the situation (of all service members at one time or another needing to take up arms) is the: “nature of the beast” pertaining to our armed forces. I stand by my statement. As to nature how you are speaking about it: I do believe God (nature) determines how we are formed. I also do believe that some in our society like to play with what God made. That is between God and them.
CPL(P) Civilian Driver
CPL(P) (Join to see)
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - Part of the blur of overnight duty, but I am in agreement with you. I was only associating a concept with the use of a particular word and it's original meaning. We're good SFC.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
CPL(P) (Join to see) - I remember many long nights, long ago, writing papers, and finishing projects. I didn't have the distraction of all this electronic stuff. I don't know if I would have made it through if I did. Maybe you are better at it than I. In any case, take care, enjoy the adventure. :)
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LTC Self Employed
If this Administration pushes that agenda, I doubt it would be held up in the courts. I have 2 lgbtq stepdaughters living in Canada that both started smoking pot at a young age, they're both in their twenties now, on welfare, messed up staying up all night, sleeping all day. Having medical issues but not taking care of them but they smoke and drink. I'm sure there are many lgbtq people with depression and mental issues because they have issues with their sexuality. This can affect their self-esteem and they don't want to work and they live off the state. I'm sure the majority of lgbtq people are fine, have work, are doctors lawyers politicians and Executives or entrepreneurs. They are contributing to society. They also have a lot of money because many of them don't have kids. What I want to focus on are the straight and lgbtq people who have mental issues. I suspect many of the anti-fascist are like my step daughters who are alienated, do drugs and don't go to work but they will sure occupy areas and protest. We need to focus on the one in five people in this country who are depressed and don't want to go to work or who can't go to work for whatever problems they have dealing with their mental issues and addictions. Since you posted this story, I wanted to discuss those in society who are middle-class and have opportunity but who purposely throw it away and our derelicts or lazy due to drugs, addiction and depression. I know lgbtq people have a lot going against them and many are successful. Unfortunately, I have two deadbeats that live off of us who refuse to stop smoking who have medical issues and who stress my wife out so much that she had an aneurysm. It's almost like they're stupid by choice not by accident and it doesn't matter if they're lgbtq or not. It's because of the drugs at the young age and the sense of entitlement they have now that they are on welfare. I'm sure this can apply to the straight population as well.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
Both of my step daughter's dropped out of school. One finished ninth grade while another one finished 11th grade. When they went to continuation school, they never did anything because the continuation school was open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. They would wake up at 3 p.m. and never get anything accomplished. Stupid by choice and not by accident. Again, this is because of depression and drugs not because of being lgbtq
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
6 y
LTC (Join to see) - I have talked out about our drug issue for many yeas, with no success. So many of our nation's problems fall back on drugs. Find a workable solution to drugs and we would solve many other problems.
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CPL(P) Civilian Driver
Simple, we need definitions and a concise lexicon in order to operate properly and efficiently. The fractionation of the zingers the left has thrown over the past several years and their militant attempt to take over the language and compel other's speech has gotten out of control. This will rope it in. It doesn't destroy their human dignity. It simply defines what is fact: that boys and girls are born and chromosomal abnormalities are just that; abnormal. It deprives the depraved of their club to beat conscientious people with. This isn't rocket science, and "because I feel like a cat" isn't valid to make a person a cat. California has passed legislation to deprive people of their liberty and property if you "mis-gender" someone in certain cases. Because you call a guy that thinks he's a girl, "sir" doesn't mean you can be fined $1200 for it. We need to rope in the insanity and start being civil. Feelings that conflict with facts lose.
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